Partner Spotlight: ConnectivTech


ConnectivTech is comprised of high-end business technology advisors who specialize in vetting companies/vendors and matching them with the businesses they help. ConnectivTech has emulated a model that all the Fortune 500 to the Fortune 5 have in-house. They have dedicated departments for vendor selection and procurement while understanding the value of outsourcing to the right professionals/organizations.

ConnecitivTech has taken an enterprise-level solution and has brought that to all businesses. To maximize the value they bring to the client, they proactively vet organizations to create an approved vendor list. They are here to help your business find vendors you would otherwise have not found on your own.

Businesses these days have no choice but to outsource some aspects of their company. Whether it is something as simple as your Microsoft subscription for emails or Excel sheets for something more complicated like cyber security, your business relies on other organizations to function. Outsourcing to the right vendors can make or break a business. To ensure they make strong matches, ConnectivTech doesn’t get paid until their clients select the right vendor.

ConnectivTech is your advisor, advocate, and trusted partner to ensure your business is surrounded by the right people.

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Design Lab: Designing Your Vision and Bringing Your Ideas to Life

Design Lab

Brand identity is an essential part of any successful business. It is the unique personality, values, and characteristics that make a brand distinct and recognizable to its target audience. Graphic design plays a significant role in creating and conveying brand identity. From logos and color schemes to typography and visual elements, everything matters. In this blog post, we will discuss some key strategies for putting a brand into graphic design.

  • Understand the brand

The first step in putting a brand into graphic design is to understand the brand. This means gaining a thorough understanding of the brand’s identity, values, and target audience. By understanding the brand, you can ensure that your design choices accurately reflect the brand’s personality. Resonating with its audience is crucial.


  • Use consistent branding elements

Consistency is key in branding. It is essential to use consistent branding elements across all of the brand’s visual communications, including graphic design. This includes using consistent colors, fonts, and visual elements in all designs, as well as incorporating the brand’s logo and other identifying marks. By maintaining consistency, you help to reinforce the brand’s identity and make it more memorable to its audience.


  • Choose the right color scheme

Color is an essential part of graphic design and is closely tied to brand identity. Choosing the right color scheme can help to reinforce the brand’s personality and values, while also creating a memorable and recognizable visual identity. For example, a brand that wants to convey a sense of professionalism and authority might choose a color scheme of black, white, and grey, while a brand that wants to convey a sense of energy and excitement might choose bright and vibrant colors.


  • Use typography effectively

Typography is another crucial element of graphic design that can help to convey brand identity. Choosing the right fonts can help to reinforce the brand’s personality and values. This also creates a consistent and recognizable visual identity. For example, a brand that wants to convey a sense of elegance and sophistication might use a serif font, while a brand that wants to convey a sense of modernity and innovation might use a sans-serif font.


  • Use imagery that resonates with the brand

Using imagery that resonates with the brand can help to reinforce its identity and create a memorable and engaging visual identity. For example, a brand that wants to convey a sense of environmental responsibility might use imagery of nature and sustainable practices, while a brand that wants to convey a sense of luxury might use imagery of high-end products and lifestyles.



FYC Labs’ Head of Design, Brianne Fortier, gives her insights:

What more can you tell us about color contrast and visual hierarchy?


“Color contrast and visual hierarchy play a crucial role in creating an effective and accessible user interface. Good color contrast ensures that text and other elements are easily readable by all users, including those with visual impairments. In contrast, poor color contrast can strain the eyes and make it difficult for users to navigate and interact with a website.


Visual hierarchy refers to the arrangement of elements on a page based on their importance. This helps users quickly scan and understand the content and navigate to the information they are looking for. For example, a designer may choose to use a brighter or more contrasting color for buttons to make them stand out and draw the user’s attention to them. Similarly, text can be arranged in a hierarchical way, with headers being larger and bolder and subheads being smaller. This would make it easier for users to quickly scan and understand the content.


Both color contrast and visual hierarchy are critical considerations for designers and developers to create a user-friendly and accessible interface. By ensuring that colors are well contrasted and elements are arranged in a logical and intuitive way, designers can create interfaces that are easy to use and navigate, even for users with visual impairments.”

Putting a brand into graphic design requires a thorough understanding of the brand’s identity and target audience. It also requires the use of consistent branding elements, the right color scheme, effective typography, and imagery that resonates with the brand. By incorporating these strategies into your graphic design work, you can help to create a memorable and engaging visual identity that accurately reflects the brand’s personality and values.


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Winning Culture: Key Components for Building a Strong Company Culture

Strong Company Culture

A winning culture refers to the collective mindset, values, and practices that shape a company’s behavior and outcomes. It’s a culture that fosters innovation, high performance, and excellence. A winning culture is built on a foundation of strong leadership, a clear and shared vision, and a set of core values that guide decision-making and behavior across the organization. It prioritizes employee engagement, continuous learning and development, and recognition and reward, all of which help to create a positive work environment and inspire employees to achieve their full potential. Building a strong company culture is a challenging task but with the right approach, it is a rewarding journey.


FYC Labs’ COO Phillip Lorenzo shares some insights:


What are the most important aspects of company culture?


The most important aspects of company culture are participation and empathy. People should feel like they can contribute to the culture and have a say in shaping it. Additionally, empathy is crucial for building an inclusive and emotionally supportive environment. When people feel like they are valued, heard, and understood, they are more likely to bring their best selves to work and contribute to the company’s success. A culture that fosters these values will create a positive work experience for employees and improve overall morale.

I truly believe that the pivotal element of company culture lies in ensuring that people within it feel empowered to shape that culture. Often, specific figures like the CEO, CFO, or COO play a significant role in steering a company’s culture. They can influence it, but it is equally essential for the workforce to sense their ability to make meaningful contributions. Everyone should have a voice in shaping the culture. Take, for instance, the pursuit of diversity within a company’s culture. It’s great when diversity is sought as an integral part of the company’s image or to enhance different perspectives. However, employees must be able to actively participate and define what the culture represents collectively.

The nature of participation largely depends on the type of culture a company aims to foster, which is a significant factor in how individuals perceive their ability to contribute. If no one feels they have a say in the culture, motivation to engage diminishes.

Moreover, empathy is paramount. You can make an effort to understand someone’s perspective and background, but without genuine empathy, without taking the time to truly comprehend their experiences, it’s challenging to create an inclusive company culture. It’s essential to put yourself in their shoes and strive to appreciate the reasons of their feelings. In the absence of empathy, achieving a company culture that acknowledges the emotional aspect of work becomes nearly impossible.

Work is an inherently emotional place for people. While there is a theoretical separation between professional and personal life, it’s undeniable that personal elements are woven into every decision, critique, and feedback at work.

To build a winning culture, a deliberate and strategic approach is needed. Key components for building a winning culture include:


  • Clear and shared vision to inspire and motivate employees
  • Strong core values to guide decision-making and behavior
  • Focus on employee engagement to create a positive work environment
  • Continuous learning and development opportunities to help employees grow and develop their skills
  • Recognition and reward program to celebrate and incentivize high performance


Each of these components contributes to building a culture of excellence, innovation, and high performance that sets a company apart from its competitors and drives sustainable success over the long term.


Clear and shared vision


Having a clear and shared vision is a key component of building a winning culture. A clear vision sets out the company’s purpose, direction, and goals, providing employees with a sense of purpose and direction in their work. A shared vision means that everyone in the organization is aligned around the same goals and working towards the same objectives. When employees understand and buy into the company’s vision, they are more motivated to work towards achieving it. By inspiring and motivating employees, a clear and shared vision helps to create a culture of innovation, high performance, and excellence that drives sustainable success over the long term.


Strong Core Values


Core values are the fundamental beliefs and principles that guide decision-making, behavior, and actions in a company. They represent the organization’s culture and identity, and define what the company stands for and how it operates. Core values are a set of guiding principles that determine how employees interact with one another, customers, and stakeholders. They are the foundation of a company’s culture and help to create a sense of purpose and direction for employees. Strong core values are essential for building a winning culture as they help to create a shared sense of identity and purpose across the organization, and guide decision-making and behavior in a way that supports the company’s goals and objectives.


Focus on Employee Engagement


Employee engagement refers to the extent to which employees feel invested in and committed to their work, their colleagues, and the organization as a whole. It’s a measure of how motivated, satisfied, and connected employees are to their job and the company they work for. Employee engagement goes beyond job satisfaction and includes factors such as enthusiasm, dedication, and passion for the work being done. Engaged employees are more likely to go above and beyond their job requirements, take ownership of their work, and contribute to the success of the organization. A focus on employee engagement is crucial for building a winning culture. It helps to create a positive work environment, foster collaboration and teamwork, and inspire employees to achieve their full potential.

“To drive employee engagement across an organization, the first step is to ensure that the team chemistry is strong and collaborative. It’s important to understand the purpose of the engagement, whether it’s team building, improving work efficiency, or fulfilling a specific goal. A sense of purpose is more important than happiness in the workplace. To persuade employees to engage, if the team chemistry is strong, it should be easy, but if it’s not, then you need to work on a more individual level and understand each employee’s characteristics. The key is to make sure that the engagement has a purpose and that everyone feels fulfilled.”

Continuous Learning and Development


Continuous learning and development refers to the ongoing process of acquiring new knowledge, skills, and abilities to enhance performance and achieve personal and professional growth. It involves investing in employee development through training, coaching, mentoring, and other forms of learning opportunities. Continuous learning and development is critical for building a winning culture. It helps employees to stay up-to-date with industry trends, develop new skills and expertise, and improve job performance. It also helps employees to stay motivated and engaged in their work, and promotes a culture of innovation, creativity, and continuous improvement. A focus on continuous learning and development is essential for companies to remain competitive and drive sustainable success over the long term.


Recognition and Reward


Another essential component of building a winning culture is recognition and reward programs. They involve acknowledging and celebrating the achievements and contributions of employees, and providing incentives for high performance. Recognition and rewards can take many forms, including bonuses, promotions, public praise, and other forms of acknowledgement. They help to create a positive work environment and foster a culture of excellence, innovation, and high performance. Recognition and reward programs also play a crucial role in retaining top talent. They provide employees with a sense of appreciation and fulfillment. By recognizing and rewarding high performers, companies can motivate employees to continue striving for excellence. That helps to build a winning culture that drives sustainable success over the long term.


Each of these components contributes to building a culture of excellence, innovation, and high performance. This sets a company apart from its competitors and drives sustainable success over the long term.


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